Hey there!

Erb/Mayas/Hemingway recorded for Radio France

Check it out here: www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/a-l-improviste/concert-a-l-improviste-avec-magda-mayas-gerry-hemingway-et-christoph-erb-3272860

Coming up in April 2025 on Vinyl:

Erbt Mäder Amberg? & Thomas Lehn
Thomas Lehn, analogue synthesizer
Christoph Erb, Niklaus Mäder, Elio Amberg, bass clarinets

These Albums are still available:

Erb/Mayas/Hemingway "Hour music" is out now on veto/Exchnange !!!
w/ Magda Mayas and Gerry Hemingway

Erb-Loriot "Wabi Sabi" (LP) is out too on veto !!!
w/ Frantz Loriot, viola

Erb/Weber/Künzi "Spazio Elle" (LP) is out too on veto !!!
w/ Christian Weber, bass Emanuel Künzi, drums

Get a physical copy of those releases or go too Bandcamp:

Sadly Sold out: But try those on Bandcamp

"Live in Toledo"- SOLD OUT !
With Tomeka Reid, cello and Keefe Jackson, reeds
(veto-records/exchange 010) - Sold out !

"Erb/Baker/Zerang"- SOLD OUT !
With Jim Baker, arp & piano / Michael Zerang, multiple percussion
(veto-records/exchange 001) - Sold out !

"Yuria's Dream"- SOLD OUT !
With Jason Adasiewicz, vibraphone and Jason Roebke, bass
(veto-records/exchange 009)

"Duope"- SOLD OUT !
With Keefe Jackson, reeds / Fred Lonberg-Holm, cello
Tomeka Reid cello
(veto-records/exchange 008) - Sold out !

For other releases go to veto-records.ch/exchange