Christoph Erb,
Tenor-, soprano saxophone and bass clarinet
born in Zurich, Switzerland, he currently lives in Lucerne, Switzerland.
He performs regularly in Europe and the U.S with many musicians including: Jim Baker, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Michael Zerang, Jason Roebke, Jason Adasciewicz, Josh Berman, Keefe Jackson, Tomeka Reid, Frank Rosaly, Nate Wooley, Jamie Branch, Paul Lovens, Michael Vatcher, Hans Koch, Urs Leimgruber, Martin Schütz, Peter Schärli, Frantz Loriot, Julian Sartorius, Christian Weber and many others.
He played several tours in Europe, Russia, USA and Southamerika.
In 2007 he has formed his own Label veto-records, and 2011 after a four month residence in Chicago the sublabel for improvised music veto-exchange.
2012 he received the Culture Award from the City of Lucerne.
There are more than 14 albums to his credit.
Recordings are available on veto-records, Hatology and Creative Sources
Gurgelmeister, Raspelräuber, Shitkicker: Christoph Erb produziert Klänge und Sound-Dramaturgien in ungefilterter Schönheit. Die Schönheit hat Abgründe, Kanten, Schroffheiten und Schründe. Furchtlos geht Erb durch das Röhr-Dickicht, kämpft mit dem Klappenmonster, schwebt auf den Atemsonden. Er stösst auch mal in Terrain vor, wo bisher nur Aliens waren. Aber nichts Ausserirdisches ist an diesem Album. Es ist das Statement eines ganz irdischen Musikers, der mit seinen Instrumenten auf den Grund geht, Sound auskostet, bis in die Geräuschdepots menschlicher Vorstellungen vordringt, aber dennoch Groove und Biss hat. So macht Erb Platz für das, was kommt, erweitert und befreit sich. Die aktuellen Alben machen deutlich, wie konsequent er sich der Improvisation und Klangforschung widmet, das Handwerk auslotet, fremde Sound-Territorien erkundet. Folgen wir ihm, es macht Freude und hält verdammt wach!
Von Pirmin Bossart
Shreddingthief, shitkicker, master of burble: Christoph Erb produces noises and sound processes in unfiltered beauty. A beauty with edges, asperity and abysses. Fearlessly, Erb carves his way through the pipethicket, fights with the keymonster, floats on the breathtube. He may reach regions where only aliens existed. But his album is not extraterrestrial. It's more the statement of an all through earthly musician who gets to the bottom with his instruments, who cherishes sounds and who reaches somehow the hidden noise-depot in our mind while staying groovy and edgy. That's Erbs way of clearing space, of expanding and liberating for the coming. His latest albums show how Erb is consistently working on improvisation and sound research and how he is sounding out his craft by exploring new sonorities. Go along, it's great fun and keeps you freaking awake!
by Pirmin Bossart
A Bill Meyer Chicago preview: http://www.chicagomusic.org/concert-preview-christoph-erb-20th-april-1st-2nd-may-2014/#.U2v0Vsfxgy4
Erb-Photos on Downtown Music Gallery by Peter Gannushkin http://downtownmusic.net/christoph-erb/easel-04-25-2014#
More reviews: www.veto-records.ch/reviews